103 research outputs found

    First-principles calculations to investigate the structural, electronic, elastic, vibrational and thermodynamic properties of the full-Heusler alloys X2ScGa (X = Ir and Rh)

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    This study has investigated ab initio pseudopotential calculations on the structural, electronic, elastic, vibrational and thermodynamic properties of the full-Heusler X2ScGa (X = Ir and Rh) alloys. The calculations have taken place under consideration of the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of the density functional theory (DFT) with using the plane-wave ab initio pseudopotential method. According to the calculations, the major contribution to electronic states at the Fermi energy has been achieved by d orbitals, revealing a more active role for transition metals Ir (Rh) and Sc atoms. The reckonings point out that the Ir2ScGa and Rh2ScGa have metallic behavior at the equilibrium lattice constant with the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level (N (EF)) of 1.412 states/eV and 1.821 states/eV, respectively. The results of the elastic constants showed that these compounds met the criteria for Born mechanical stability. It was also observed that they have a ductile structure and exhibit anisotropic behavior according to Pugh criteria. Besides, the full phonon spectra and their projected partial density of states of the alloys have been analyzed with the first-principle linear-response approach of the density-functional perturbation theory. All the alloys behaved dynamically stable in the L21 phase. Furthermore, internal free energy, entropy, specific heat capacity at constant volume and vibrational free energy changes of Ir2ScGa and Rh2ScGa alloys were analyzed and discussed between the temperature range of 0–800 K using the quasi harmonic approximation. According to the results, these alloys are potential candidate for industrial use. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Novel Complex Wave Solutions of the (2+1)-Dimensional Hyperbolic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

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    This manuscript focuses on the application of the (m + 1/G’)-expansion method to the (2+1)-dimensional hyperbolic nonlinear Schrödinger equation. With the help of projected method, the periodic and singular complex wave solutions to the considered model are derived. Various figures such as 3D and 2D surfaces with the selecting the suitable of parameter values are plotted. © 2020 by the authors

    Soliton theory and modulation instability analysis: The Ivancevic option pricing model in economy

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    In this projected paper, we study on the Ivancevic option pricing model. We apply two important methods, namely, rational sine-Gordon expansion method which is recently developed, and secondly, modified exponential method. Via these methods, we obtain some important properties of Ivancevic option pricing model. We extract many solutions such as complex, periodic, dark bright, mixed dark-bright, singular, travelling and hyperbolic functions. We investigate the option price wave functions of dependent variable, and also, observe the modulation instability analysis in detail. Furthermore, we report the strain conditions for the valid solutions under the family conditions, as well. We simulate the 2D, 3D and counter plots by choosing the suitable values of the parameters involved. Finally, we present the top and low points of pricing in the mentioned intervals via contour simulations. (C) 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University

    Extractions of some new travelling wave solutions to the conformable Date-Jimbo-Kashiwara-Miwa equation

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    In this paper, complex and combined dark-bright characteristic properties of nonlinear Date-Jimbo-Kashiwara-Miwa equation with conformable are extracted by using two powerful analytical approaches. Many graphical representations such as 2D, 3D and contour are also reported. Finally, general conclusions of about the novel findings are introduced at the end of this manuscript

    Analysis of nonlinear compartmental model using a reliable method

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    The goal of this work is to investigate nonlinear models and their complexity using techniques that are universal and have connections to historical and material aspects. Using the premise of a constant population that is uniformly mixed, a nonlinear compartmental model that depicts the movement between voter classes is taken into consideration. In the current work, we investigate the dynamical framework that supports the interactions between the three parties. It is discussed how rate change affects various metrics. The conditions for boundedness, stability, existence, and other dynamics are obtained. We derive the effects of generalizing the model in any order. The current study supports investigations into complex real-world issues and forecasts of necessary plans. © 2023 The Author(s

    Evaluating sea cucumbers as extractive species for benthic bioremediation in mussel farms

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    Filter-feeding mussels blend suspended particles into faeces and pseudo-faeces enhancing organic matter flows between the water column and the bottom, and strengthening benthic-pelagic coupling. Inside operating farms, high bivalve densities in relatively confined areas result in an elevated rate of organic sinking to the seabed, which may cause a localized impact in the immediate surrounding. Deposit-feeding sea cucumbers are potentially optimal candidates to bioremediate mussel organic waste, due to their ability to process organic-enriched sediments impacted by aquaculture waste. However, although the feasibility of this polyculture has been investigated for a few Indo-Pacific species, little is known about Atlanto-Mediterranean species. Hence, for the first time, in the present study, we conducted a comparative investigation on the suitability of different Mediterranean sea cucumber species, to be reared in Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) with mussels. A pilotscale experiment was accomplished operating within a mussel farm where two sea cucumbers species, Holothuria tubulosa and Holothuria polii, were caged beneath the long-line mussel farm of Mytilus galloprovincialis. After four months, H. tubulosa showed high survivorship (94%) and positive somatic growth (6.07%); conversely H. polii showed negative growth (− 25.37%), although 92% of specimens survived. Furthermore, sea cucumber growth was size-dependent. In fact, smaller individuals, independently from the species, grew significantly faster than larger ones. These results evidenced a clear difference in the suitability of the two sea cucumber species for IMTA with M. galloprovincialis, probably due to their different trophic ecology (feeding specialization on different microhabitats, i.e. different sediment layers). Specifically, H. tubulosa seems to be an optimal candidate as extractive species both for polycultures production and waste bioremediation in M. galloprovincialis operating farms

    Endometrium Kanserli Hastalarda Preoperatif Tam Kan Sayımının Prognostik Parametreler ve Sağkalımla İlişkisi

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda endometriyum adenokarsinomu tanılı hastalarda preoperatif tam kan sayımı parametrelerinin çeşitli klinikopatolojik prognostik parametrelerle ve sağkalım ile ilişkisi olup olmadığını değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2011-Aralık 2014 tarihleri arasında fakültemizde opere edilen ve endometrial adenokarsinom tanısı alan 144 hasta çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Hemogram parametrelerinden absolü beyaz küre sayısı BK , absolü platelet sayısı Plt hematokrit Hct , hemoglobin Hb değerleri yanı sıra absolü nötrofil sayısının absolü lenfosit sayısına bölümü olan NLR, absolü platelet sayısının absolü lenfosit sayısına bölümü olan PLR ve absolü monosit sayısının absolü lenfosit sayısına bölümü olan MLR oranlarının; tümör çapı, tümör derecesi, FIGO evresi, serviks invazyonu, pozitif lenf nodu sayısı, lenf nodunda ekstrakapsüler yayılım, lenfovasküler invazyon LVİ , myometrial invazyon derinliği gibi prognostik parametreler ve hastalıksız ve genel sağkalım süreleri ile olan ilişkisi istatistiksel metodlarla araştırılmıştır.Bulgular: Derece 3 tümöre sahip hastalarda BK sayısının derece 1 tümörlü hastalara göre anlamlı derecede düşük olduğu görüldü p=0.04 . LVİ olan olgularda PLR p=0.018 ve MLR p=0.028 LVİ olmayan hastalara göre daha düşük idi. Düşük evre olgularda evre I-II PLR, yüksek evreli olgulara göre evre II-III daha düşük tespit edildi p=0.03 . Tedavi öncesi bakılan tam kan parametreleri ile tümör çapı, serviks invazyonu, pozitif lenf nodu sayısı, lenf nodunda ekstrakapsüler yayılım, myometrial invazyon derinliği, hastalıksız sağkalım ve genel sağkalım arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmadı p>0.05 .Sonuç: Endometriyum kanserinde tedavi öncesi tam kan sayımı parametrelerinin bir arada kullanılması, hastalığın prognozu ile ilgili fikir verebilir. Çalışmamızın sonuçlarının daha uzun takip süresine ve daha geniş olgu sayısına sahip çalışmalarla desteklenmesi gereklidi

    Modeling of Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machines With Fourier Analysis

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    Interesting and complex behaviour of Duffing equations within the frame of Caputo fractional operator

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    The coupled system exemplifying the damped and driven oscillators (namely, Duffing equations) is examined with a familiar and robust numerical method. In the framework, we hired a reliable and most cited Caputo fractional operator to capture essential and stimulating behaviours of the hired physical model. The existence of the solution for the considered model is presented, and we captured the nature of the strange attractor for the Duffing equations with a period of the driving force. The effect of chaotic nature associated parameter is illustrated. The essence of generalizing the classical models is presented with plots, and associated consequences are demonstrated for the substantial time period